Reishi Mushroom Drops

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  • Regular price R 239.00
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Reishi Mushrooms tincture is an excellent Immune system boost and potent anti-cancer modulator.

Excellent for professional sports because it helps your red blood cells carry more oxygen. Reishi is an immunostimulant, it is helpful for people with AIDS, leaky-gut syndrome, Epstein-Barr, chronic bronchitis and other infectious diseases by boosting the immune system by raising the amount of macrophages T-cells which are then able to fight cancer cells more effectively and slow down the growth of tumors. It is used as an aid to sleep, as a diuretic, as a laxative and to lower triglyceride levels, remove excess cholesterol from the blood, lower blood pressure, reduce platelet stickiness and even help correct arrhythmia. Reishi can also help against allergies, as the lanostan in reishi acts as a natural antihistamine.

With regard to muscle aches or arthritis, reishi is as powerful as five milligrams of hydrocortisone, but with minimal side effects. Reishi mushroom can calm the mind, as well as improve memory, concentration and focus


Ingredient: Ethanolic Extract of Ganoderma Lucidum


Dosage: Adults & Children over 12yrs: Take 20-60 drops, Children under 12 yrs: Take 10-15 drops, Infants: Take 2-5 drops. To be taken in water or juice, 2 to 3 times a day or as needed.